The Corporate Secretarial application that empowers you with easy-to-use automated document templates to perform your corporate secretarial work. Its informative interface provides you with a comprehensive overview of all activities.
Easy-to-use automated document templates to perform your company secretarial work. Digitalize AR and AGM and track your CorpSec progress
- Every application interact with other applications seamlessly.
- Context-based analytics enable users to access real-time data insights.
- Business applications and collaboration tools work seamlessly together.
- Partners network empowers businesses to bring new revenue stream.

Statutory Virtual File maintains a comprehensive set of registers which include registerable controllers, beneficial owners and nominees and records of all signed minutes and resolutions for easy access and retrieval.
You can quickly create customisable templates for
different types of secretarial work using the Dynamic
Document Template Tool.

The Communicator Tool allows you to customize different email content to be sent together with all the relevant generated documents.
The Visual Dashboard enables you to have a quick run through on the timeline of all the corporate activities that have occurred and a comprehensive overview of all your current and pending tasks.
Corporate Secretarial Software Pricing Plan
Dynamic Templates
* Single Entity
Dynamic Templates
SGD 10
(UP: SGD 20)
per entity / per year
SGD 12
(UP: SGD 20)
Per Entity / Per Year
Minimum purchase of 25 entities.
Above exclude GST (based on prevailing rate), one-time setup fee for system configuration, group training and out-of-pocket expense.